Sunday, January 29, 2012

This week

I seriously don't feel like I can make it through the next week. My cat, Peter, has an inoperable brain tumor. It started out as him walking around the house randomly meowing for hours at a time about 7 weeks ago and has progressed to him turning in circles, having difficulty walking (left-sided hemiparesis), difficulty eating, blindness in his left eye and unilateral pupillary dilation (mydriasis), confusion, etc. My heart breaks for him. And I am experiencing all of this from afar. Petey is at my parents' house, 400 miles away. I'm glad he is there, he has lived there for his entire almost 13 years with his three adoring sisters (litter-mates). They were actually born on the roof of our house. I just wish I were there. Oh how desperately I wish I were there. At this point I just hope he lives long enough that I can see him one more time when I fly home this Friday. Five more days.
As if all that weren't hard enough, I have a week full of exams ahead of me. Exams that I have not studied nearly enough for and that I feel like I am about to miserably fail. And I already had some serious recovering to do from the last set of exams! Seriously, my life is just one big disaster right now.

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