Monday, September 11, 2006

Busy times

Let's see...I've been studying practically every spare minute these last couple weeks...we have our first set of exams in another week and I'm starting to get really stressed about them. I'd really appreciate your prayers for my studying this next week and for the exams to go well!
Yesterday I was in the nursery at church, and this mom brought in her little tiny 2-month-old baby for the first time. As she handed her to me, she started telling me how there was a bottle of water in the diaper bag and to just add two scoops of formula powder if she got hungry. Then on second thought the mom said something like, oh you can just give her her yoghurt if she gets hungry, it'll be easier than mixing up a bottle. I was speechless! After mom left, I turned to Carrie, my fellow nursery-worker, "Did mom just say to feed her YOGHURT if she gets hungry?!?!" It was Gerber baby yoghurt, but babies aren't supposed to start solids until AT LEAST 4 MONTHS OLD! Their digestive systems just aren't ready for anything besides mommy's milk or formula! And this precious teeny tiny little baby was so skinny...her little arms and legs were so thin! I felt bad because I knew she probably wasn't get enough nutrition from eating yoghurt all the time, but I also knew it wasn't my place to say anything to mom...even if I am almost ;) a doctor...I can only hope baby's pediatrician says something...okay, enough about that I've gotten that off my chest.
The message at church yesterday was just was entitled "What's worth your passion?" and was about how it's worth it to love God more than the world. I was really convicted about how there really are some areas of my life that I haven't completely given to God...God really does want all of us. God enjoys my affection more than I can ever imagine! And God has invested so much in His relationship with me!
This precious little girl, Christal, who's story I've been following for a couple of years now, went to be with Jesus yesterday morning. She had been fighting a brain tumor for 4-5 years now. Please be praying for her family. You can visit her site and leave an encouraging message for them. I cannot begin to imagine what it must be like to lose your precious child.


Christie's Corner said...

hi Doc,
May I tell u this:U'RE A SPECIAL KIND. I can feel it, i also work in our church nursery so i can feel u on that one.

I so agree with u about giving God our all, i dnt just dnt know why its difficult for us to do that, I remember last 2 wks sunday, during service i had a lot on my mind about my life and stuff, just then our songleader started singing this song about letting go and let God have his way in our lives, i was so touched and i promised God to just do that but sometimes its so hard... just cant figure out why.

Its sad about Christal, i pray God be with the family now. Amen.

Christie's Corner said...

I wish u the best in ur exams, God be with you girl.

PS: Hey, hows Brian?