Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Laparoscopic Appendectomy

I held the camera steady as the resident grabbed the inflamed appendix with forceps in one hand and a pair of tweezer like grabbers in the other...I followed the tools with the camera as he kept feeling along the base of the appendix and onto the cecum, searching for exactly where the appendix ended and where the large intestine began..."I should probably clamp it off here...I want to make sure I get it all...but I sure don't want to end up in the bowel..." He finally decides where to cut it off, then inserts a staple cutter and stables off the appendix. Next he inserts a bag into which he inserts the appendix...neatly packaged, the offending object can now be removed without doing any more damage. Irrigate the abdomen, and we're done. Sew the fascia closed, then I get to staple closed each of the neat little cuts made in three different places in the abdomen. And just like that, I've assisted in my first surgery...

1 comment:

BayouMaMa said...

*loud thump* (That's just me passing worries...I'll come to in a minute or so.)